An Overview
In order to start implementing a new Global Model and international community which can help to address the global challenges that we face, a website template was needed as a starting point. This has now been produced.
As our international community grows, the website will also continue to evolve to meet the needs of the community.
Step 1 – Building the Site Template
The starting template needed to fulfil the following criteria before the site could be launched.
- Clearly communicate the purpose and goals of the site.
- Implement the essentials of an international humanitarian membership system.
- Provide the flexibility to allow a member to engage at a level which works best for them.
- Based on a starting set of tools, allow members to contribute and support the goals of the site.
- Provide a set of general standards and guidelines for all members.
- Implement a resilient mailing system to keep members informed and up-to-date.
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- Perform appropriate initial testing and user experience feedback analysis.
- Implement suitable reporting and security procedures.
- Plan for the necessary technical site maintenance requirements (Hosting, Backups, Site Maintenance Updates, etc).
- Etc.
This starting site template was designed to simply fulfil the essentials required to launch the site.
There is still a wide range of content which needs to be produced in relation to the various sectors (E.g. Economics, Health, Education, Social, etc). It will also be necessary to design some of the ‘Global Campaign’ templates and produce some video media content for the site. This will take place as part of the 2nd development phase.

Step 2 – Sector Development and additional Tools
The second phase of the site development will focus on implementing the sector pages, developing some media content and improving the base toolset. We will be looking to get more people involved with the appropriate professional and technical skills. Specialist sector teams will monitor and manage their own sectors. The goals will be to…
- Complete the Sector template page design. Sector Teams will use Groups and Forums to manage and coordinate their collaborative work.
- Complete some Global Campaign template designs.
- Start launching Global Campaigns to help achieve the goals of the community.
- Produce some professional site content resources (Interview Videos, PowerPoint Presentations, Animations, etc.) to allow members to professionally share the ideas of this site with others.
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- Translate the site into more languages.
- Transition the site to a more custom-coded application.
- Look to establish collaboration partnerships with others.
As we further develop the site and improve its functionality for members, this will help to also increase the site membership numbers.

Step 3 – Global Marketing Campaigns
With the Sector Teams now fully operational and a good range of tools in place, we will work together to focus on promoting global marketing campaigns to get the ideas out to the world via every media channel possible – Television, Newspaper, Internet, etc. This phase will involve…
- Mass Social Media Marketing.
- Promotional Marketing/Funding Campaigns.
- Media Articles.
- Public Conferences, Talks, Events, University Debates, etc.
- Possible political channel engagement as well.
- Getting the message out to people EVERYWHERE in the world will be the focus.
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Once people begin to ‘publicly discuss, debate and seriously consider the benefits of implementing a Global Model‘ on the international stage, it becomes inevitable that it will happen. It is impossible to argue against the common sense of ‘working together as a people’.
However, even when the world is presented with such clear and factual common sense, some within various political and economic circles – due to psychological elements of historical aggression, fear, immaturity or economic self-interest, could still try to prevent humanity implementing this important transition. If this should happen, it will become necessary to launch a peoples’ global political initiative around the world.

Step 4 – We achieve our Goal
Humanity makes a commitment to implement a Global Model and work together as a people. To coordinate its efforts, it creates a non-political ‘International Humanitarian Organisation’ to represent our shared values, principles and goals. This Organisation (potentially an upgrade of the UN) helps to coordinate the global cooperation of all countries as we work together to improve the state of the world for EVERYONE.
This introduces a new era of international peace and cooperation throughout the world where we will now make remarkable progress in all sectors of society.
International Humanitarian Organisation (IHO)
of the People