An Overview
One of the challenges of creating a site with a NEW global vision, is presenting this message in a professional, clear and concise manner. Even though the core message is very simple – ‘We need to work together as a people’, people very rarely ever consider how much of an incredibly positive impact this simple decision will have in the world.
A key focus of this site is to ensure that we clearly communicate the benefits of making this important decision.
Like all things that make intelligent sense, it is inevitable that people will gradually begin to see the enormous benefits of humanity working together as a people and therefore choose to support this new global approach. This will either occur due to an increasing number of people appreciating the benefits and common sense of such an approach, or out of necessity due to the escalating global problems – or both.
Life has a way of saying, “This is the direction that you need to go for your own good and the good of the planet. However, you have two choices – the easy path or the hard one. Either way…both paths lead to the same destination.”
Ideally, we would like to see humanity take the easy path. It’s simple common sense that we should stop competing against each other, and just work together as a people. It’s the right thing to do. It’s sensible thing to do. It will allow us to successfully address our global challenges and make wiser decisions as a people.
Step 1 – Build the foundation
In recent years, a series of public talks and a humanitarian conference took place in London which outlined this vision of how we could work together to create a better world. From that conference, suitable content has been produced to help form the foundation of this global community site. This process has taken time due to the range of complexities involved.
The new global community site needed to…
- Communicate why a global model is necessary today.
- Explain the key ideas, goals and benefits of a global model.
- Provide a clear comparison between a ‘National Model’ and ‘Global Model’.
- Discuss how these different elements relate to the current ‘global psychology of humanity’.
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- Integrate a global community membership system.
- Implement some essential tools which allow members to work together.
- Consider how to support the collaboration of people from different countries and languages within a single global community website.
- Plan the necessary technical site requirements (DNS, Hosting, Backups, Security, etc).
During the development of this ‘foundation’ site, there were also many other technical and design variables to consider – the overall site design and goals, the platform to use, the site content, security, scalability, performance, device responsiveness, language translation, membership options, funding, user engagement, etc.
This range of variables all needed to sync together into a single cohesive user-friendly professional global community website which could be further improved over time.
Professionalism is always an important focus. In order for the ideas on this website to be respected by people from different psychological viewpoints, cultures, age groups, professions and backgrounds, how the ideas are professionally presented is important. The graphics, videos, articles and overall content and community engagement must be professionally maintained at all times.

Step 2 – Develop the Community
The second phase will focus on developing the community and improving its toolset. We will be looking to get more people involved with the appropriate professional and technical skills to help further develop the community. This will help us to…
- Develop more practical tools for the global community.
- Start launching global campaigns to help achieve the goals of the community.
- Produce more site content resources (Interview Videos, PowerPoint Presentations, Animations, etc.) to allow members to professionally share the ideas with others in their talks and meetings.
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- Translate the site into multiple languages.
- Look to establish collaboration partnerships with others.
- Begin getting the key message out to more people around the world.
As we further develop the site and improve its functionality for members, this will help to increase the site membership numbers.

Step 3 – Global Marketing Campaigns
Once the foundation is sound and the right toolset is in place, we will then begin focusing on getting the ideas out to the world via every media channel possible – Television, Newspaper, Internet, etc. This phase will involve…
- Mass Social Media Marketing.
- Promotional Marketing/Funding Campaigns.
- Media Articles.
- Public Conferences, Talks, Events, University Debates, etc.
- Possible political channel engagement as well.
- Getting the message out to people EVERYWHERE in the world will be the focus.
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Once people begin to ‘publicly discuss, debate and seriously consider the benefits of implementing a global model’ on the international stage, it becomes inevitable that it will happen. It is impossible to argue against the commonsense of ‘working together as a people’ towards the common good of all.
However, even when the world is presented with such clear and factual commonsense, some within various political and economic circles – due to psychological elements of historical aggression, fear, immaturity or economic self-interest, could still try to prevent humanity implementing this important transition. If this should happen, it will become necessary to launch a peoples’ global political initiative around the world.

Step 4 – We achieve our Goal
Humanity makes a commitment to work together as a people and implements an ‘International Humanitarian Organisation’ to represent our shared values, principles and goals. This Organisation (potentially an upgrade of the UN) helps to coordinate the global cooperation of all countries as we work together to improve the state of the world for EVERYONE.
This introduces a new era of international peace and cooperation throughout the world where we will now make remarkable progress in all sectors of society.
International Humanitarian Organisation (IHO)
of the People