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  • Unity

  • As mentioned on this website, the world has some serious international problems due to a fundamental flaw in the structure of society.

    This flaw relates to a system based on 'economic competition'. Competition creates 'opposing sides' - with each side focused on their 'self-interest'. As this literally places the interests of nation states, companies and individuals in 'opposition to each other', it often results in aggressive and corrupt behaviour - political, economic and individual - with each side fighting for dominance, power and control. Inevitably this results in endless forms of destructive behaviour; war, political and military threats, extreme poverty, environmental destruction, etc.

    This major problem can only be solved through the transition to a NEW Global model based on the international cooperation and shared interests of all countries.

  • Economics

  • Today, there are serious international problems with economic corruption.

    As individuals, we each have the ability to make a conscious choice to support more ethically focused banks, building societies or financial institutions. When these institutions recognise that their customers are making more ethically focused decisions, it will ensure that they ALL 'lift their game'.

    We will shortly create a global campaign which will help you to assess the ethical standards of various banking and financial institutions. Based on the evidence provided, you can then make a more informed choice as to who you wish to support.

  • Energy

  • All corporate energy suppliers will make more of an effort to transition to a clean energy approach if we - their customers - make the decision to support clean energy suppliers.

  • Environment

  • To transition to a clean-energy world and improve the world's natural environment, we all need to make positive contributions where we can.

  • Health

  • As individuals, our mental and physical health and wellbeing will have a direct impact on society, across many sectors. Our health has a direct affect on our lifestyle and family relations. It has an economic and social impact on public health services. It will also affect our relationships and our ability to make sensible and good decisions in our daily lives.

    The better we take care of our health - both mind and body, the more likely we are to live a happy and positive life.


    Today, society does not place enough importance on the health of the mind. The clarity, insight and intelligence of your mind will have a direct impact on EVERY DECISION that you make in your life.

    People with psychologically healthy minds make decisions that positively enhance the world. They place the value of cooperation before competition. They recognise the benefit of shared interest over self interest. They acknowledge that it makes sense for humanity to work together as a people to solve its problems.

    There are lots of ways to improve the clarity and awareness of the mind - Meditation, Contemplation, Mindfulness, Yoga, Martial Arts, Questioning Life, etc. How often do you ask yourself, 'Am I doing the right thing?'

  • Body

    While the health of the mind is often overlooked, our physical health is not.

    There is a lot of focus on the need to stay physically fit and healthy today. The importance of a healthy diet and exercise is well accepted and taught in many schools.

    There are lots of ways to stay physically fit - playing sports, gym fitness, cycling, swimming, yoga, etc. However, maintaining a healthy diet is still key.

  • Resources

  • To transition to a more sustainable world, we need to be more efficient in how we use available resources. And as the global population level increases - which incrementally increases the level of consumerism throughout the world - this become ever more vital.

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