IHO International Campaign

Do you have an idea for an International Campaign?


As we want your campaign ideas to be successful, we implement a 5 STEP process to support them. Please take a few moments to read about this process and the guidelines for completing the campaign form.

Read the Guidelines


1. Does your campaign idea support the goals of the IHO Community – whether directly or indirectly?

In principle, this relates to any idea:

  • That encourages us to globally work together as a people.
  • Which helps to spread the core values and ideas of the IHO Community to a wider global audience.
  • Which moves humanity towards a more globally unified, intelligent, fair and principled world.

2. Is your idea practical?

Please consider whether your campaign idea is practical in terms of our current membership status. For example, is it practical to ask the community to support a funding campaign if the target amount that you seek is far beyond what our current membership numbers could possibly support?

The 5 step process

STEP 1 – Initial Review

We initially review submissions to ensure that the campaign idea is clearly defined. It is also important that the campaign idea supports the goals of the IHO community.

STEP 2 – Does the community support the idea?

If support for an idea is unclear, we may first poll members and assess their feedback.

STEP 3 – Community Review & Improvement

If the feedback for a campaign idea is good, it will be published to the global campaign page. Members are then invited to submit suggestions which could further improve the campaign and help to make it more successful.

STEP 4 – Global Design & Engagement

Once the suggestions and ideas have been collated, we call upon community members and supporters to help create any relevant source material that may be required.

STEP 5 – Implementation

When the campaign is ready, we will release it to a sample test group and review their feedback. When it all looks good, it will be released to the global community.

Funding Campaigns

Depending on the type of funding campaign, we may also look to promote these through various crowdfunding sites.


While we do support petition campaigns, it needs to be recognised that petitions have limited scope. This brief article – ‘The limitations of political petitions‘ – highlights the reasons why.

Petitions can be effective on small-scale projects and ideas (like supporting a local park project or asking for support to fund a legal case, etc). However, on the large scale problems – like the fundamental problem of ‘global competition and self-interest’ which leads to the majority of the world’s problems, they have limited ability to create positive change. This is simply due to the scale of the problem. It will take much more than a petition to fix this major problem.

To create REAL CHANGE in the world, we need to improve the ‘foundation’ on which our world is built!  It is currently built on ‘competition and self-interest’. It needs to transition to ‘cooperation and shared interest’.

If your campaign involves asking people to support a petition, you may wish to consider using some of the sites in the global directory that specialise in supporting petitions.


Thanks for taking the time to make a positive contribution to the global community.

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