Campaign Ideas

These ideas have been submitted as possible options for a global campaign. For more details, click the campaign idea. If you would like to submit your own global campaign idea, visit the create campaign page.

Campaign TitleTransfer to a more Ethical bank

In terms of ethical standards, banks differ quite a lot. Consider the impact in the world if more people start supporting banks that have higher ethical economic standards - For example, those banks that support 'ethical investments' (green energy companies, social investments, etc). I propose that we do an ethical banking campaign in 3 steps.

  1. Create a form with a list of global banks. Ask members to submit news articles or other supportive evidence regarding any major negative/positive publicity regarding the banks.
  2. Using the feedback from this list, rate the banks accordingly and highlight the most ethical banks.
  3. Create a campaign to encourage members to setup a new account with a more ethical bank, local to their country. Where people are tied into arrangements like Mortgages with some unethical banks, outline the option to re-mortgage with a different bank/building society when the opportunity arises.

As the IHO is about working together towards creating a better and more ethical world for all, this idea supports the goals of our community.

Supportive Reasoning

Generally speaking, many institutions don't/won't adopt more ethical standards unless it starts hurting them financially. This approach will therefore require them to:

  • Consider the financial cost (in terms of losing customers) of not being more ethical.
  • Consider the cost to their reputations of being viewed publicly as having low ethical standards.
  • Consider the impact to their investor relationships. Many investors will not want to be associated with any bank that is publicly viewed as unethical.

This approach allows members to make an ethical decision which will have a positive ethical impact in the world. It can be adopted globally by members in all countries.

Is this a funding campaign?No
Campaign CategoryEthical
Sector CategoryEconomics


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